Saturday, November 7, 2009

I still don't like them, but love the momeries which they trigger...

Everyday we learn something new. Sometimes it sparks our interest, and sometimes we even don't recognize that we have discovered a new experience. However, despite our acknowledge and personal attitude toward these discoveries, we change. Consequently, our preferences and dislikes about many events and things vary according to our personal background and environment that we live in.

As for me I have experienced these changes and realized their influence on me after coming to the US. The first several weeks everything was new for me: the weather, cars, roads, buildings, people. I was totally impressed with the American infrastructure and people's attitude toward the nature and other people, I am still amazed with the attitude toward sports. Everyone is doing sports, it is not an activity, it is inseparable part of life. However, after the "cultural shock" ended, I started to see very small things, which triggered warm memories about my home and family. Moreover, I think this memories are valuable and precious only for me because, as I previously mentioned, every person has his own personal background and history. So one object for ten people would associate with different things. So, I have one simple question for my reader, "What do you think about when you see a boiled egg?" (Please, can you answer in the comments prior reading the rest part. I am just curios...))))))

Ok, for some people it is associated with farting(I was also very surprised), for others with breakfast, but for me boiled eggs evoke memories about my grandfather.

I was growing on my grandparents hands. As a result, they taught me almost everything I know, they put the first of brick in building my personality. However, being a child means that sometimes we just hate what elder people try to teach us. So did I. I remember every morning I was arguing with my grandfather
who was trying to feed me with one single boiled egg. Every morning, EVERY morning (I am not exaggerating) my granny was patiently explaining me how the boiled eggs are useful for our bodies, that they consist of irreplaceable micro-elements and vitamins, extreeeeeemely needed by our organisms. Sometimes I ate it, sometimes I did not; nevertheless, my grandfather boiled one egg for me, every day.

We don't appreciate all the gifts and presents in our life till we have them. No, I still don't like boiled eggs, but I love the memories which they trigger. I can spend more that 15 minutes explaining how eggs are helpful for our bodies...)))

I miss my grandpa...)))


  1. djamusya. mne ochen ponravilos!!! spasibo. mne samoi stalo grustno. tseluyem. kama i gaz

  2. boiled eggs always remind me of dyeing eggs around easter, and so does the smell of apple cider. you dunk the eggs in vinegar mixed with food coloring, and they are so pretty! are you familiar with this practice?

    my grandmother also always kept painted eggs in a display case that her cousin in the ukraine sent, so i think of those too. those are my main memories of boiled eggs.

    i love this post!

  3. oohhh..yes, sure I know this tradition!

    we don't do it my family, but when I was a child I had a very good Russian friend. I remember her grandparents brought some of those eggs to school.

    Once I even colored one of them. It is a real fun!

    You see how many memories can trigger one single egg????..))))))))))))

  4. very very well-written and interesting article, enjoyed reading, good job, Jami

    p.s. busy, boiling an egg =]

  5. Thank you..)))

    we can eat one together at home!

  6. I don't like boiled eggs! hahaha it is the only way that I don't like eggs!

    Very beautiful reflection! I agree with you, mos of the time we don't appreciate the gifts we have. Moreover, we think that gifts are only big things, but actually being alive it is a gift. I think it is very important to learn to appreciate life as children do. This will make us life our life in a happier way.
    I am so happy that you are O.K. by the way!

  7. The first thing comes into my mind when I think about boiled egg is a train. I used to eat boiled eggs with my brother when I travelled by train.It was always great. I don't like eggs in general, but eating eggs on the train was good. It also reminds me of my good old days.

  8. yes, it is funny, but it also reminds me about my train trips, when my grandparents prepared a dozen of boiled eggs. I think it happened because they are very convenient to transport.

  9. For me, Boiled eggs are something good but tasteless. I prefer steamed egg. Steam eggs are easy to cook and delicious. FYI, here is the recipe:
    shiitake. (optional)
    Chicken pieces(optional)
    Add some water to the egg. Add some salt. Add some salt. Soak shiitake in water until it was softened. Slice the softened shiitake. Stir all ingredients well. Steam for a while. The more water you add, the softer the steamed egg will be. I would suggest that you use roughly the same amount as egg.
    Your article reminds me of my grandmother, who also forced me to eat something I didn’t like. I miss her so much.
