Monday, November 16, 2009

You are welcome!

In Kazakh culture inviting guests to your house is a very big event, which takes a long and serious preparation. I remember from my childhood, I somehow did not enjoy so much this tradition. Because I am a girl, and I am suppose to help with with everything at home, especially with such events like inviting people to our place.
However, after coming to the USA I realized that this procedure does not necessarily have to be so time and effort consuming activity. I had a great opportunity and honor to be invited by several American and international families to their houses. Everything was very nice and we had very good time even without five different servings, without spending more than 4 hours at the table, without dessert and tea being served separately. Most of all I was very surprised that everything is quite informal and relaxed; moreover, to some parties many of quests were bringing their food with them. At first, I was very embarrassed asking whether we were supposed to bring something with us, or were we assigned in advance to buy any drinks. Nevertheless, later I was explained that usually people bring something, so that they can share food with everyone and help the "party holder" with the dishes for quests. Although no one requires you to bring anything, it could be a very nice gesture. I really appreciate this tradition because it makes the event of inviting guests easier.
In addition, I have learned that we don't have to prepare a tight schedule for quests because they can easily just relax on your sofa having a nice talk with other quests.
As a result, I have learned one more very useful and interesting American tradition, which I think could be rather interesting to implement in my family. (At least I would try to upgrade my parties when I would go home..))))

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