Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pease park brough peace to my heart

Being alone in a foreign country made me more independent and responsible. However, sometimes I am just tired of taking care of myself and knowing that I am responsible for every single action that I do. Additionally, I miss those days when I could spent the whole day on the playground not being worried about anything. Of course, I am not telling that today I have so many problems and things to do; nevertheless, during these 10 months spent in the US I had been in a park and on a playground only twice. I really enjoyed those times.

The weather that Friday evening was amazing. It was not very hot or cold; the mild wind was gently playing with tree leaves, making a very quiet whispering music. My friend and I decided to have a walking trip to the Pease park. It was a great idea because it was the end of the week, no classes for two days, at least for one evening no assignments, no obligations...our minds were just free. Consequently, we had fun!
Riding swings makes me feel free, free from work, from studies, from assignments. The feeling of freedom makes me happy.
Being happy with simple things is one of the first lessons that I learned being independent.

Therefore, let's enjoy every opportunity to be happy!


  1. Wow!! You look happy in this picture. When I was in Korea, I went to the playground quite often with my son. However, I just enjoyed watching children play instead of riding. You must have spent great time there. I think I've been to this park. Did we went there for the barbecue party during the spring semester?

  2. Thank you, Jiyeon!

    Yes, it is the park that we went for the BBQ last spring!
