Sunday, November 1, 2009

My first real Halloween

Halloween...trick or treat...Before coming to the USA I did not wholly understand all the "power" of this words in the American culture. At the beginning of October almost every one was so excited about the upcoming holiday: the stores were full of Halloween stuff, starting from costumes and finishing with candies; everyone was asking about the plans for the Halloween, about the costume, and, of course, about weather or not the person is going to the 6th street.

Honestly, I just did not think about any plans on either costume or 6th street because I had another things to do. Nevertheless, I had a very nice, full of emotions and memories Halloween. Moreover, I had even a Halloween Eve. One of my friends invited me to her place to start celebrating the Halloween on Friday, 30th of October because she had prepared more than one costume and she wanted to have an opportunity to show us all of her dresses. So, our Friday Halloween Eve was very nice. Sojin, my prepared friend, have cooked some dishes in the theme of Halloween, also she decorated her apartment, so it felt like the Halloween day really had started the Friday evening. The rest from laughing, taking funny pictures and enjoying food time we have spent watching movies on Sojin's "home-cinema."

It was a very good beginning of my first real Halloween! The Saturday, October 31st I have spent in my usual Saturday activities, but the evening activities were more than unusual. I have visited couple of parties at my friends places, each of which was really fun; honestly, I was very pleases being invited by them. However, I was not planning to go to the 6th street because I did not have a real costume and I anticipated that I would be off the general theme on the 6th street. On the contrary, I was mistaken, when we finally came to downtown, I was partially shocked and amazed with all the terrific "show" that was going on there. Even though it was not "a show" with tickets and assigned seats, the whole action taking place there was completely out of my anticipation and imagination. Everyone was a piece of modern art! So many ideas and energy in every person! I realized why we should KEEP AUSTIN WEIRD!

It was one of most incredible and unforgettable experiences that I have had in the USA!

P.S- however, I hope that it would be my unique experience...))))))


  1. Life is a show, in which you are the leading character. Then, why not play others in Halloween? If you are going to stay in the U.S., you are going to have another Halloween. I am looking forward to seeing your costume.

  2. When I saw you on October 30 and you said that you hadn't gone to the ESL Halloween party, I automatically thought that you wouldn't be at all interested in celebrating Halloween. However, after reading your post, I see that you perhaps changed your attitude.

    In Austin, Halloween has become an almost bigger holiday for adults than it is for children. There's a certain special vibe that happens at Halloween in which my international students seem to embrace even more that I (or they) expect.

    I'm glad you were able to have your first experience here in Austin, and as Vito says, you will have more Halloweens in store! Start preparing your costume NOW!

  3. Hi Jamilya, it's Anna (I taught you how to set up your blog in class). Your blog post reminds me of how funny it is when Halloween is on a weekday. No one knows when to celebrate, whether to wait for the weekend or to party on a weeknight. It seems that it turns into a week-long event!

    I also loved your comparison of the people to pieces of art. When someone really puts some effort into their costume, it really is worth it in the end, isn't it?

  4. You must have spent a great time on Halloween day. Even Halloween eve? Wow! I guess you made people laugh with your sense of humor at the party as usual, didn't you? I also had a wonderful time with my Korean friends. It was great!!

  5. to Vito: yes,now I have a lot of ideas! ;)

    to Esthelene: I am really glad that I had my first experience in Austin because I think it is a special place to celebrate Halloween! Now I think I would compare everything with Austin!

    to Anna: yes, you're right! I am glad that you saw the exact idea that I wanted to show! Next year I hope to be one of this "pieces"))))

    to Pistachio: ohhh...thank you for the compliment, but, unfortunately, I was very tired and had very bad mood on the parties...(((
